
Feminine Hygiene Project





History Logs

Project Description

Country: USA

Location: Gilbert

Total Budget: $2,000

Area of Focus: Disease prevention and treatment

Activity Type: Health: General

Summary: Lack of access to sanitary hygiene products have created what is referred to as Period Poverty as it is the inability to afford or have access to feminine sanitary hygiene products (pads, tampons, liners) and other hygiene items to manage a period.feminine

Women needing feminine hygiene products previously would have several sources they could turn to for these items. These were available in restrooms, at schools, and other locations and were often free of charge. These products are now rarely available, even for a cost, outside of purchasing them at a store. Lack of access to low or no cost feminine hygiene products have created what is referred to as Period Poverty. This is the inability to afford or have access to feminine hygiene products (pads, tampons, liners) and other hygiene items to manage a period. Without access approximately one in three low-income women have to miss school and/or work because they do not have the sanitary products needed.

Lack of access to products is a health related issue. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), poor hygiene measures during menstruation can pose serious health risks, such as reproductive and urinary tract infections, thrush, and others. Around 1.8 billion people menstruate every month worldwide, meaning at a given point each day, 800 million women and girls menstruate, comprising 26% of the global population. Access to hygienic products is paramount in maintaining the physical and mental health of women.

As such Gilbert Rotary Club has been supporting the Women4Women organization to assist in the purchasing of and packing such products into bags for distribution. Women4Women's mission is to help homeless and low-income women to "maintain their dignity, health, and self-respect by providing feminine hygiene products to unhoused and low-income women who might have difficulty affording such items". This project has been approved by our club officers; both in terms of packing the products and budgeting for the financial support. The club supports "packing parties" generally 8 times a year to be a part of the packing of 370,500 pads and 208,200 tampons in 2023 alone for Arizona women and girls. For every $1 donated, Women4Women distributes $3 worth of hygiene products.

At each of our packing parties, Gilbert Rotary provides financial assistance so they can use their purchase power to acquire more hygiene items. To augment this donation level, we are seeking a $1000 grant from Rotary District 5495, and will continue to use our funds to augment any award given to us by the district, to fund the ability to provide hundreds more products, as the cost is not eligible to be purchased with food stamps, so the women in need can maintain their physical and mental health monthly. We will continue to fund purchase of hygiene products and attend our hosted packing parties, as well as have sufficient funds for a match if awarded this grant.

Project Contact Person

District: 5495

Rotary Club of: Gilbert

Primary Contact: Patricia Krueger

Email: patriciamkrueger@gmail.com

Project Status

This project is "Approved". This means that the district leadership has reviewed and approved the allocation of district funds for this project. Once the funds from the district have been issued, the status of the project will be changed to "Paid".

Project listed for the 2024-25 Rotary Year.

Proposed Financing

Existing Contributions Towards This Project





Gilbert (5495)









Project Supporting Documents

Project Photos

History Log Entries


by Conrad Heede

System Entry: Creation of project page.


by Patricia Krueger

MOU Signed by Current and President Elect, 6/24/24


by Patricia Krueger

System Entry: Project sent for club signatures.


by Patricia Krueger

System Entry: Project signed by Patricia Krueger.


by Tom McLarty

Please assure you have 2 signatures on your grant application, president and incoming president. After that it can be approved.


by Tom McLarty

System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Tom McLarty added to the list of signatories.


by Patricia Krueger

System Entry: Project reverted to "Submitted" - Cori Christenson Barimo added to the list of signatories.


by Patricia Krueger

System Entry: Project signed by Cori Christenson Barimo.


by Tom McLarty

The district grant process is progressing but is delayed somewhat due to the second round of grant submissions. We will notify you as soon as the grant funds are available. Reminder: No money should be spent until the funds are sent to the clubs. No receipts for spending prior to that can be accepted.


by Tom McLarty

After some delay from RI our block grant was approved on Friday August 30, 2024. The funds should be transferred sometime next week. We will be changing the status on your grant to “Approved” as of that date. As has been stated several times RI will not recognize receipts dated prior to August 30, 2024. Also, PO’s and cancelled checks are not acceptable forms of documentation. Please be sure all banking information is up to date.


by Tom McLarty

System Entry: Project approved by the District Approval Committee.

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